Man Accused Of High Roller Sex Act Had Gone To Las Vegas To Marry Another Woman

  • 8 years ago
Philip Panzica, one of the two people accused of committing a sex act on the High Roller wheel in Las Vegas, has admitted that he was supposed to get married to his fiancée that day.

New details have emerged about one of the people recently implicated in an alleged sexual act on the High Roller wheel in Las Vegas. 

The accused man, Philip Panzica, has revealed to the local news outlet KTNV that he had actually gone to Las Vegas to marry his fiancée Mistie Bozant. The wedding was scheduled for the same day the incident occurred. 

However, the engaged couple, who had met just two months prior, got into a fight as he suspected she was carrying a baby fathered by another man.

So he took off into the city where, according to him, he gambled and drank four or five margaritas.

It was at this point that he says he met his companion in the High Roller, 21-year-old Chloe Scord


