Stallions defend their mares against other rivals during mating season. AFRICAS WILD WEST AIRS SUNDAY OCTOBER 25 10/9c.\r
This is a film I made of 3 horses acting out like they do every day. I made this video into a comedy so it would be funny to show how horses and make people .\r
The talent really gets moving when members of a fourth-generation, trick-riding family attempt gymnastic feats on horses. Check out the amazing acrobatics of .\r
This is my first attempt at creating a video with titles and captions. Sorry its a bit shaky (I think Ill ask for a new video camera for Christmas.. one with anti-shake .
This is a film I made of 3 horses acting out like they do every day. I made this video into a comedy so it would be funny to show how horses and make people .\r
The talent really gets moving when members of a fourth-generation, trick-riding family attempt gymnastic feats on horses. Check out the amazing acrobatics of .\r
This is my first attempt at creating a video with titles and captions. Sorry its a bit shaky (I think Ill ask for a new video camera for Christmas.. one with anti-shake .
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