Top College Campus Mental Health Speaker

  • 9 years ago Mike Veny is a America's leading college mental health speaker. He speaks at events through campus organizations, like Active Minds, NAMI on Campus, and To Write Love on Her Arms.

Here are Mike Veny's thoughts on struggling with mental health challenges while you are in college:


Now what?

Even if you are only at a small junior college in your home town, there are still big challenges to meet.

For one, you are an adult.

There is no one around to mark you tardy, call your parents if you are failing, beg you to turn in work for your grade or even artificially inflate your grade at the end of the semester.

You may still have the same friends you had in high school, or you may find a new and better group of people to be friends.

They may have come from your rival high school in town, but you get along.

It is a transition.

College is about success and growing up.

You set the schedule; you decide what and when things happen in your life from this point forward.

And, you alone will deal with the consequences of your choices.

Don’t turn in that paper? You may earn an ‘F’ for the course. For. The. Course. End of story; do not pass go and do not collect $200.00.

Oh, your parents are powerless to help. YOU ARE THE ADULT NOW!

Your parents cannot speak to a professor about your grade like they could a high school teacher. They cannot go to a principal and complain.

Welcome to adult life. It is great fun on one hand, and it is a trial on the other.

Now you have adult life hitting you, having to make difficult choices and dealing with a new set of situations and problems.

And this is important for you to recognize and do it now. Do. It. Now. Before you leave your seat, do it.

Add in something to this new equation. Add in some other external force to it all. Something that some people cannot understand. Something that only you can help, if you choose to do it. Remember: You are the adult now."

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