Basildon mayor Mo Larkin upset by Camel Toe Mo cartoon

  • 9 years ago
Basildon mayor Mo Larkin is upset by a cartoon depicting her as Camel Toe Mo. The police have been ordered to investigate the animation, which was sent to Basildon council members. The crime? Malicious communications.

The funny caricature pokes fun at Mo Larkin for being absorbed with her mobile phone instead of receiving a salute on Armed Forces Day in June. The hilarious cartoon shows Larkin giving birth to council leader Tony Ball.

After the email containing a link to the video was sent to council members and staff, the council advised workers not to click on it. The council then called the police to investigate. Essex Police have confirmed a probe is underway.

An Essex police spokesman told the Echo newspaper: "We are investigating allegations of malicious communications and inquiries are ongoing."

Mo Larkin said: "You can expect criticism as mayor, but no one should have to put up with this sort of humiliation -- it is disgusting."

This is not the first time public resources have been used to launch an investigation into online content Larkin has found embarrassing.

When the photo circulated of Larkin using her mobile phone instead of receiving a salute on Armed Forces Day, the council ordered an employee to spend a full week investigating whether someone was out to embarrass the mayor. That staff member spent 42 hours trying to find out who took the photo.

Newsflash: Someone is out to embarrass the mayor! That person is ... the mayor!

So now the mayor wants to know who is behind the cartoon Camel Toe Mo. We would suggest the cartoonist is someone who doesn't like the mayor very much or her heavy-handed tactics.

Ironically, few people were likely to have paid attention to the cartoon. But now that police resources have been tasked to track down its creator, the animation is likely to receive a wider audience.

Congratulations mayor Mo Larkin. Perhaps we should rename the Streisand effect for you.

Watch Camel Toe Mo here:
