Violence warning: Hidden camera footage of police shooting Michael Blair

  • 9 years ago
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Caution: This video contains actual, extremely graphic footage of a police shooting.

Deputies shot and killed Michael Blair in his home last November in Fort Bend, Texas. The family set up a hidden camera that recorded the incident and released the video on Wednesday.

Michael Blair's mother called 911 after her son's behavior led her to believe he was possibly suicidal. The 26-year-old Blair had locked himself in the bathroom when deputies arrived at the home.

"If you don't open this door, we're going to kick it in," the deputy said.

Holding a knife to his own neck, Blair refused the deputies' orders to drop the weapon and stay down. "We're trying to help you. Let it (the knife) go. Do it now."

After about 5 minutes of verbal negotiation and multiple shocks from a taser, Blair stood up and charged toward the officer, still holding a knife.

The deputy fired 11 times at Blair who died at the scene.

Blair's mother said her son was schizophrenic and suicidal and should not have been shot. Community activist Quanell X called the shooting "nothing less than a cold-blooded execution."


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