• 10 years ago
A little while ago, we told you about Cheetos getting into the sweet-snack game, now that they’ve pretty much cornered the market on snacks that turn your hands orange. We’ve finally acquired some Cheetos Sweetos, AND BONUS: Dried Shrimp flavored Cheetos!

Ah, Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun has never let us down when it comes to unexpected snack flavors, and through the magic of eBay and international shipping, we have a bag of dried shrimp Cheetos right here in the Tasted studio! Also, through the magic of visiting the local 7 Eleven, we have some Cheetos Sweetos Cinnamon Sugar puffs, available for a limited time right here in the U.S. of A. Because nothing says “Easter” like egg-shaped Cheetos!

The overlords of Tasted.com love feeding you guys what you love, and you love to watch us try foods for you, so that you don't have to (or so you can decide whether to run out and get some). Thus, we bring you something “Unique” from Cheetos on two continents! We’ll feed ‘em to our co-workers, and let you know if either of these items is a tragic misstep by Cheetos.

Have you tried Cheetos Sweetos, or dried shrimp Cheetos? What’s your all-time favorite variation on the theme of Cheetos? Are special “Easter” Cheetos something the world was REALLY crying out for? Really? Would you try the shrimp-and-cinnamon sugar combo we enjoyed so much? Have you heard tell of other snacks you’d like to see us try on the show?


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Tune in to the Food Feeder with Tasted's food guru, Noah Galuten. Noah's been there and done that in pretty much every aspect of the culinary scene from his stint as a popular food writer for LA Weekly to now opening his own highly anticipated BBQ restaurant. Hop on for the ride as Noah gives us the inside scoop on what's hot and happening in the world of fascinating food from breaking news, to awesome events, cool chefs, incredible restaurants and all around good eats. Noah's the guy for everything you ever wanted to know about food... and then some. Click subscribe to check out new episodes almost every day!
