Drought-Affected Family- Nadia Farooq

  • 10 years ago
The District Tharparker in Sindh province faced though plight due to drought. After killing the live stock, birds and animals (peacocks, cows, sheep, parrots, deer, camels and goats) of these people this ghost has turned its evil eye towards Thari people and has claimed the lives of many children within two months. Drought in the desert remote areas of Pakistan is natural but the death of people is not. It is due to lack of facilities and irresponsibility of concerned authorities who are appointed to selected posts that have engulfed the lives of 121 innocent people within couple of months. The number can be even more than this as these people were trying to hide the actual figures as the irresponsibility of the elected leaders had made the situation worst in Thar. I pointed out the question to chief minister and he was giving lame excuses and statements in order to escape responsibility from their criminal acts. According to a report to the media by the chief minister who is a feudal lord of Sindh Province the ratio of higher deaths is common and it is due to disease, it is not only because of drought or malnutrition. But I reported the truth and took out the curtain from the scene. I spent many days there and proved all the aspects of truth on screen. Subsequently CM moved himself to Thaar and set up the relief camps as well as Prime Minister reached there to check the severity of situation and announced the relief packages for Thaar drought-hit people.