Succulent Lamb Belly and Bok Choy Recipe - Cookup A Hookup


by Tasted

In this episode of Cook Up a Hook Up, chef Brad Miller devises a dish so delish, it overrides all douchiness! Subscribe for more eats:

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Dating tip #99: "I'm a producer." STOP IT! STOOOOOPPP ITTT! So LA.

The Hook Up Cook Brad Miller shows David the douche... er, the producer... how to bread and crisp the tender, rich lamb belly that has been sous vide for two days. He then layers the crispy lamb belly with an awesome Asian-inspired bok choy salad. What really brings this dish home is the Srirancha sauce — Sriracha and ranch dressing mixed together for perfect tangy creaminess with a kick. Something else that needs a kick? David, a documentary film producer who's playing it way too cool. We think David must be too high on himself to recognize when a bad joke falls flat, but his blind date is quick to pick it up. As awkward as the date seems, Kristina, an actress and producer, might actually be sweet on him... or is it the butterscotch coffee cake for dessert?

What did you think of the meal? Or of David's too cool for school performance? Was it sweet or too awkward? What should he have done? Would you be impressed if your boyfriend/girlfriend invited you over for a meal and surprised you with a little extra effort? Let us know in the comments below!!

What's sweeter than dessert after dinner? A boot-knocking, body-rocking hookup! They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but we find out in Cook Up a Hook Up that's true for women as well. Who wouldn't fall for a guy that has the Executive Chef of Inn of the Seventh Ray, one of the country's most romantic restaurants, prepare a gourmet meal just for you? Brad Miller saves the day, not only with his skills in the kitchen but also with his brash, raw sense of humor, giving these daters a much-needed reality check! Tube in to get a stomach boner every Monday!