Madrid: Thousands join march against plans to restrict abortion

  • 10 years ago
Tens of thousands of chanting protesters have marched to Spain’s national parliament building in Madrid – to vent their opposition to proposed new laws, which would restrict the practice.

The legislation would only allow an abortion to be carried out in cases of rape – or if there are serious health risks.

“I’m here because this country is going back on women’s rights,” said one demonstrator.

“The government wants to criminalize something that shouldn’t be. I thought we had overcome this issue a long time ago.”

Another woman taking part in the march added: “This law attacks all women, leaves them unprotected and opens the door again to illegal abortion. So, we will become criminals – as well as risking our lives.”

Saturday’s rally was organised by dozens of women’s groups, who are fighting for reproductive rights.

Abortion before the 14th week of development was made legal by Spain’s former Socialist government.

But the ruling Popular Party – which has long sided with the Roman Catholic Church – made an election promise to change the laws.


