Torn between 3 lovers - Dicipline - time - people

  • 11 years ago
Published on May 16, 2013
The difference between those who make it & those who don't is a decision to pursue your goals with knowing what you want & giving your pursue a definite purpose! Sacrifice - discipline - persistence is the key to success. What are you willing to give in exchange for what you want? Are you wiling to sacrifice the weekends? Parties? gatherings? Friends? Time? Of all these mentioned, friends & parties are the hardest to sacrifice, but if that's what's holding you back from perfecting your talents meaning
( wasting unproductive time doing things of little to no value) then why do them? Many are afraid to say "NO" to such things; however practice is the mother of all perfection! Your talents & skill level are like a bank account; if you deposit $10 in that's all you will get out and nothing more. If you want the luxury of spending then you have to develop the discipline to save a allow time to build your account! Now apply that to music, you will only get out of it (music) what you put into it as well. This video goes over the many things you will face when it comes to cultivating your skills in music & the tough decisions you will have to make along the journey. Ask yourself what is your music worth to you? Are you willing to sacrifice many things to achieve the success you want?
I've made my decisions years ago and never looked back! Do you have the heart to do the same? After viewing this video hopefully you will have the strength to pursue your goals with everything you have and be willing to make the necessary adjustment in your life to achieve your goals without peoples interference.

