How To Become A Master Marketer

  • 11 years ago Tom Mack here sharing more tools and strategies you need to become a master marketer.

Today I am talking about segmenting your
list and speaking with your male and female
audience differently.

In our business we do two main types of email

One is to our own opt-in list. These are people
like you who have subscribed to receive
marketing tips and strategies and how to earn
massive income on line.

The other type is a cold list, these are opt-in lists we purchase. Now, our purchased lists are not totally cold - we buy very highly targeted lists but
they are folks who don't know us personally.
More on list sources later.

When marketing to this type of list we need to
build trust rapidly.

I'm talking in a couple of seconds...

One way to do this is to laser target your
message by gender.

If you are not talking to men and women
differently - you should.

Men and women have different hot buttons
and you can appeal and build rapport with
them differently.

We also use different colors and images for
men and women as well as different landing

So how do you know the gender of each
subscriber on your list?

Simple really. For purchased lists we buy them
with gender already appended.

For our own lists we run the list through
a simple program which will assign correct
gender with 99% accuracy.

99% is good. You just can't predict when
you are going to have a boy named sue on
your list.

The name appender is included in the
masters course as is our exclusive source
for verified opt-in email data.

If you are serious about making big money
online you need the advanced training found
in the Masters Course.

Tomorrow I am going go cover targeting
by ethnicity. (very effective approach!)

Until tomorrow,
