Here’s what you need right now - may surprise you

  • 11 years ago

You know that blogging will get you more customers.

More subscribers…

More sales…

But the question keeps coming up –
What do I blog about.

Let me tell you about our friend Ken Moyer.

Now Ken is an electrician and a great one at that.

He records a video blog on a regular basis where he teaches people how to fix electrical problems around their house.

For example I saw one of his videos where he shows how to properly hang a ceiling fan.

Another one was about how to properly replace a light switch and electric socket.

And it goes on and on…

He is sharing his knowledge and authority with his prospective clients.

He is creating content based on what he knows.

Now don’t fall into the trap of thinking that if you tell them how to fix something themselves that they won’t need you. This is not true at all, when you deliver value you build trust and that trust will make customers flock to your business.

Here is where the magic happens.

As you watch Ken’s videos on his blog you will definitely get to know him.

You see him in the video and hear his voice.
You see him demonstrate his knowledge.
You learn all about him, his wife and kids too because he talks about them all the time.

So when Ken comes to your house to fix your electrical problems you already know him!


So how can you do this with your business?

How can you build that kind of relationship with your prospect no matter what business you are in.

The key is to write about what you know.

You are the authority in your business – tell the world.

But there is one more important ingredient…

Don’t’ Skip This Step!

Your blog is worthless unless people can find it.

Your results will suffer unless your blog is positioned for SUCCESS.

Positioned for MAXIMUM EXPOSURE.

For your blog to become a CUSTOMER MAGNET…

You need the viral blogging platform.

It’s only $25 but worth thousands.