American Quest Powered Centerpiece Bright Review

  • 11 years ago
I am a Mobile DJ, so I pack up my goodies and head to the next gig nightly. That means I take this light on the road with me and use it for all my gigs, big or small. First off, it stays cool! Second it shoots multiple colors all around the room. Thirdly, it is virtually silent. I lay it on the floor and let the colors shoot across the room and it gives excellent effects. It is sensitive enough to sound, so you will get great movement when you are playing music without having to blast the music like many of the other ones out there. It is also much lighter than other models, making it easy for me to take around to gigs and fits well in a medium bag. If you are looking to add to your DJ collection or if this will be a first light for you, do not hesitate!! No heat means you have no worries of being burned, light stays on and does not need cooling like many other lights out there. This is a superior product. For home enthusiast, again, for all the same reasons above, and no worries of heat, fires or burning yourself as this light stays cool all night long!! I would LOVE to say I have a full 5 star for this product, and it is possible that this one is built better than the original Quest, but my glass inserts have on occasion become loose from all my handling. I can put them back in, but even if they are not there, the lighting is still fantastic. For that reason, I must give this 4 12 stars. However, I will come back and comment if I find that this newer version of Quest has fixed that previous problem in which case it will get my full 5 stars! Lastly, the price has gone up on this item. The original one, which I have been using for 3 or 4 years, was $99, now its $70.00 more. Oh well, if they fixed the glass inserts, it will be worth the $70.00 extra. I have many other lights, dislike them all! This is the ONLY one I actually like, which is why I am okay buying another one at the higher price. And no, its not a replacement, its for my second DJ, so he has one at all h