Monster Compact Speaker Cable Mkii Review

  • 11 years ago
I dont work for Monster! I am an employed aerospace engineer with a masters degree, and I do believe that "wire is wire", and the whole oxygenfree blah blah is a bunch of bunk. With that being said, I bought this wire, Monster XP Compact in white seven years ago. The wire is very thick. Not just the casing but the internal as well. The truth is it is thick because there is a plastic core that the copper threads are wrapped around. The actually crosssectional area of copper is probably about the same as normal ittybitty cheap speaker wire. When it actually comes to conductive material, this wire is probably equal to the wire that comes in a home theater allinone box. Now, here is the rub though That extra thickness makes it very easy for me to handle screwing the wire down inside of some nice banana clips. It helps me secure the wire in some spring clips on some cheap speakers I got. And the extra thickness of the overall wire helps keep me from crushing the wire accidently while moving the media console back into place. It is very flexible and doesnt crimp easily. There are two things I dont like about this wire 1.) The color white is suppose to "match the room" but in actuality, it looks like I got freakn phone cord running around the place. It looks particularly awful at the center channel speaker (black) sitting on the media console (black). A clear coat with the copper showing through would look best just my opinion. 2.) The price. I bought a 100 spool of this wire from Circuit City back in 2002 (abouts) for like $80! I was young and very dumb. I hadnt yet learned that when the Circuit City guy tells you something, it isnt always true. I am 32 years old now, with a wife and kid, a mortgage, a degree, a job and a nice but modest home theater setup. I would never EVER pay that much money for speaker wire again. Maybe, just maybe, if I was running it through the wall for like a new home build or something, then I might spend some coin on some real gauge, but this s