Macca Sherifi – Travel Editor at – Part 2

  • 11 years ago
Macca Sherifi, travel editor at has a quick chat with CareerBreak360 at the Adventure Travel Show about why he became a travel editor, what you can do on your gap year or career break and why it's great to travel.

Macca Sherifi, travel editor at has a quick chat with CareerBreak360 at the Adventure Travel Show about why he became a travel editor, what you can do on your gap year or career break and why it's great to travel. Click here to listen to Part 1 of this two part video.

Hi My names Macca and I'm the travel editor at
Essentially I got the position purely through taking a gap year for a couple of years myself. I used my gapyear to decide what I wanted in life, what I was good at and I kind of decided that I was quite good at writing, quite good at taking photos and that's how I got into journalism.
Today I'm talking at The Adventure Travel Show about what you can do on your gap year, at it's essentially three main things. Backpack, that seeing the sites, seeing some of the most amazing places in the world. You can volunteer. Popular volunteering projects vary from building an orphanage in Cambodia to volunteering with animals in south America and the ever popular working on marine conservation in the Seychelles, thats a bit more expensive that one. And then finally we've got working abroad. Two of the most popular projects again are Teaching English as a foreign Language (TEFL). South Korea and China pay very very well. You can get 18 grand a year, 20 grand a year. They'll pay for flights, accommodation, you get good holidays, good packages, and of course working in Australia. Minimum wage out there is about £12 per hour so it's absolutely fantastic, just even if you're working in a pub or fruit picking, you can save £400, £500, £600 a week, that's after everything else like accommodation, food and so.
One of the things that people always confuse with Gap Year is they always think its 17-25. But it's not at all. Its about anyone and everyone. It doesn't matter how old you are, as long as you've got this desire to go out there and see the world, see something different and really experience life and thats what travelling about, thats what it gives you.
