#01 Round the World Travel Tips for the Adventure traveller with Duncan Milligan : Tour de Force

  • 11 years ago

Adventure travel addict Duncan Milligan from tour de Force Adventure Travel, travelled round the world for 5 years as an overland driver. He talks about what he wished he'd known before he went travelling and tells stories of traveling and driving through India, South America, the Amazon on a truck barge, Central Asia, the Silk Road, Mt Everest, Tibet, East Africa, West Africa.

Transcript part one -

So I thought I would give a talk when they said 'what do you want to do' it would be on 'Things I Wish I know Before I went travelling'.

So basically this might be a good reason for you to learn from my numerous mistakes and hopefully give you a bit of an idea about situations I've found myself in or the ways that I have used to deal with situations.

I'm keeping it very broad and very generic. I'm not making it particularly vehicle dependent or cycling or walking or trekking or anything like that, these are really kind of general mind set things rather than individual detail. If anyone wants to go through individual details we can do that afterwards.

Maybe I should start by saying why should you listen to me, what on earth have I done that's of any use to you guys, so it's a kind of brief this is my life and where I've come from type thing.

So, previous life, I used to be an Overland driver [overlander]. When I say that most people look completely blank, they have no idea what that means. For those that don't know, there's probably some people where that do, it involves driving a large truck that's been converted to carry passengers and taking people on journeys all over the world. It's an amazing way, if anyone's thinking of getting into travel I highly recommend becoming an overlander as a method. Go and be a tour leader, a tour guide with a company. You'll get paid absolute peanuts, your not there for the money, your there for the experience and everything I have learnt or that I now do is based on this kind of university of life that I did for five years travelling all over the world, which I'll give you a little bit of detail about.

I spent a year in South America, so you get to kind of tick off all the big things like Machu Picchu, walking to the Inca trail, getting to the sun gate, seeing the sun rise, the Altiplano in Bolivia which is incredible up at sort of 3-4 thousand meters with these active volcano's and red lakes and green lakes. I've been to the Moreno glacier in El calafate which is just the most stunning, one of the last few remaining advancing glaciers in the world, I spent five days on a truck barge up the Amazon, me and six fat Brazilian truckers for a week; it was amazing. One of the best experiences I had where we travelled from Belem on the coast all the way to Mallusk

I kind of did a two circuits of South America in terms of driving round and leading these trips.

