Man Floating on Tube Injured After Bridge Jumper Lands on Top of Him

  • 11 years ago
Andy Hill had been floating in a tube when he described feeling an intense pain before realizing that a man was basically sitting on his lap. The male had jumped from the bridge and landed right on top of Hill.

You never know when a fun, relaxing day can turn into a nightmare - at least it did for one man in Montana.

Andy Hill and his wife had been floating on inner tubes under a bridge on the Clark Fork River when suddenly the tranquility was shattered. Hill described feeling an intense pain before realizing that a man was basically sitting on his lap. The male had jumped from the bridge and landed right on top of Hill.

The unidentified jumper along with a friend helped pull the injured Hill, who was confined in his tube, to shore.Emergency crews were sent to the scene.

Hill was seriously hurt and encountered torn ligaments in his knees and broken bones in both of his legs. Luckily, Hill’s wife, Amy was unharmed.

Hill, however is now in a wheelchair while the road to recovery begins. The couple is trying to keep a sense of humor about the incident but it's not easy as Amy is missing work to care for her husband.

The unnamed bridge jumper will most likely face a misdemeanor negligent endangerment charge in the near future.
