Karachi Amataur Astronomers Society Star night party - memebrs intro - R-14 Al-Beruni at Badro Jabal Sindh Pakistan 2011

  • 11 years ago
This is an Intro session held during the Trip ..
Mr. Khalid Marwat (then president of the society) is ask all of us to gather in a circle and in about 2 minutes all of the people were standing in a circle. It is KaAS tradition in which you stand in a circle before observation and one by one every person gives introduction about them by answering the following questions:
1. Your name and what do you do. Your age
2. How you got interested into astronomy
3. Have you been to any Rutjaga before

This way everyone gets to know about everyone, about their interest in Astronomy etc.

Ok .. let me give background of this trip. Karachi Amateur Astronomers Society and PakWheels had been collaborating quite well. On 7th May 2011, we planned to leave for Badro Jabal, Sindh, Pakistan. This is one of the most amazing trip, not because of the location but because it has significance from Astronomy point of view. This is the only dark sky session in which all the planets that are visible to naked eye were visible, the one and only dark sky session in 18 sessions that we have done till time.

Badro Jabal (we also call it Badhra Summit) is a place situated in Province of Sindh in Pakistan, about 3000ft high, 50 kms from Sehwan Sharif and 320kms from Karachi.

Highlights of the event:
5 planets visible over the night; they are Saturn, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury (by the way Uranus was also in the sky but not a naked eye object like always)
4 Planets triangle; Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury
Other then planets, we observed galaxies, clusters, double stars, various nebula including that of Sagittarius, Orion and what not.

The spender of Milky way was awesome

We had 3 telescopes with us; 18” Obsession, 10” Meade LX200 and 100ED refractor.

1 Coaster and 2 SUV and 1 Corolla, a total of around 20 people
And a surprise in the dark sky late night.

Vdo by Asim Qadri (sorry for low mobile vdo quality)
Writup excerpts from Abu Baker Siddiq

More Details in his colorful article


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KaAS is the most active Astronomy club in Pakistan - promoting astronomy --
to see vdos about events by KaAS pl search Youtube for Karachi Amateur Astronomers Society.
