• il y a 17 ans



“This film exposes the grave problems associated with the widespread trade in big cats. These extraordinary creatures are kept as pets, killed in canned hunts, and languishing in roadside zoos and circuses. We need strong laws properly enforced to curb the growth in this underground and often above-ground trade in big cats.”
Wayne Pacelle, President & CEO, The Humane Society of the United States

"Thank you for sending the video with the explanation of why your facility exists. Your facility is one of the finest of its kind in the world and serves as a model of what can be done when someone decides to make a difference. Thanks to your efforts these beautiful cats will have a chance to live out their lives in peace. Your facility also serves to educate the public about the natural needs of these cats and for this you and your staff are to be commended. You've given the public a unique opportunity to experience these cats close-up.

I know we both support the cat's continued existence in the wild and I'm certain that your many ambassadors can convince the public this is well worth doing. Surely there is room in the wild for these magnificent creatures, nature's most perfect predators. However, the support of every visitor to Big Cat Rescue is necessary to ensure that this happens. All these wild cats want is to be left alone in the wild to live out their lives. It's seems in an increasingly human-dominated planet this is becoming more and more difficult and it is up to humans to leave room and resources for the wild cats that so fascinate and delight our own existence."

Jim Sanderson, Ph.D., TEAM Research Scientist Center for Applied Biodiversity Science Conservation International Small Cat Conservation Alliance


