The Deep S01E01 - Here Be Dragons

  • 3 months ago
The Nektons are a family of underwater explorers who discover the hidden secrets of the oceans, including sunken cities, sea creatures and pirates.


00:00I need to get back out there what are you crazy you can't go back out there that storm
00:13forget the storm something's happening like the sea is full of fish the sea is always
00:19full of fish no no it's like every fish in the ocean is right out there did you see my
00:36my boat where's my boat it was huge oh my boat my family are explorers we have been
00:48for generations while others look up to the stars we know there are an infinite number
00:53of things that shine in the darkness below there are things lurking in the seas that
00:57long ago vanished into men my family are explorers and we explore the deep
01:12and what are you doing I'm training you you're training a fish yep to do what to fetch you're
01:25training your fish to fetch yep you're deluded it could be very useful how aunt how I'm not
01:36sure yet Fontaine but I'm sure once I've trained them I'll find all sorts of practical applications
01:41a fish has like a three-second memory so in the highly unlikely event you managed to train the
01:46fish it will just forget what it's learned straight away that's not true you know it's
01:50not true have faith in my fish you are deluded huh I'll prove it get into the moonpool I'm gonna
01:59humor you but I'm also gonna mock you when this doesn't work all right here's your chance Jeffrey
02:08you named your fish Jeffrey ignore her Jeffrey she can never understand us now fetch fetch
02:20you're deluded can I get out now aunt or do you and Jeffrey have other failures to show me
02:31that never gets old what's up I'm teaching my fish to fetch no he isn't and you should know
02:46not to involve your sister in these things Fontaine have faith in the fish where's your dad
02:51he's in the study staring at some old map we have newer maps I know Keiko we have satellite maps all
03:01sorts of technology went into them some of them aren't even drawn in pencil no Keiko then why
03:08there are parts of this map that are surprisingly accurate and there are parts that are marked here
03:14be dragons will we have newer maps a week ago there was an earthquake off the coast of Greenland
03:21since then there have been some strange reports what sort of reports sightings monster sightings
03:29plus a fishing boat went missing this is a map of the exact area and I was just thinking what if
03:38there were were what dragons yes it's probably not dragons probably not has never stopped us
03:49before so we're going to Greenland to search for dragons what do you think normal families
03:55do on a Sunday who cares dragons
04:08oh we there yet we're exactly two minutes closer to Greenland than we were the last time you asked
04:20which means I have time to fill you in on what we're looking for in 1734 dad only you could
04:29take something as awesome as dragons and turn it into history in 1734 something was sighted
04:36off the coast of Greenland the founder of Greenland's capital city Hansa Getty and all
04:41of those aboard a ship reported seeing a sea serpent larger than their whole ship there have
04:46been sea monster sightings like this throughout history in fact my parents swore they encountered
04:52one while searching for lost Lemuria really I didn't know that full stop what is it I saw
05:03something bring us about what are we looking for I'm not entirely sure wait there what is that
05:17I'd say that's the missing fishing boat we're still 20 kilometers away from the Greenland
05:22coast what's it doing out here I don't know well let's go take a closer look
05:27how is it your turn in the white night remember when you went out to see that fascinating deep
05:38sea cucumber last week oh it was a cucumber it was a turn
05:42you ready big guy you're taking your fish he needs the exercise but he got all that
05:55exercise playing fetch don't mock me have faith in the fish
06:12anything strange you mean aside from a fishing boat being miles away from where it went missing
06:19actually I call this strange half the boat is just gone and it's still full of fish
06:26I'm going in for a closer look be careful what's that to the left ant
06:36it looks like a tooth
06:42it's too big to be a tooth I think you better come back to the sub and
06:48uh yeah I mean I'm fine really but uh Jeffrey's getting a bit nervous
06:53huh get out of there now
07:20ant get out of there no don't move stay very very still
07:29Ant, speak to us!
07:40Well, my wetsuit just got warmer.
07:46The fishing is the best we've ever seen.
07:48You go out there and you won't be coming back.
07:52There's no such thing as sea monsters.
07:54I saw it.
07:56I was young, but I saw that beast as clear as day.
08:02It could swallow your boat whole.
08:05Here be dragons, boy.
08:08There's no such thing.
08:10Oh, well then, why aren't you on your boat, boy?
08:14Why are you still arguing if the fishing's good?
08:18You're right.
08:19I'm going out.
08:20You superstitious lot can stay here and stay poor.
08:24I'm coming back with enough fish for the whole...
08:27What are you doing, boy?
08:34You never seen a submarine before?
08:49Hi, I'm Will Necton, and this is my family.
08:51We hear you may have some monster trouble?
08:54Oh, the dragon's no trouble.
08:57We'll just stay out of the water for a while.
09:00He'll be gone soon.
09:02You have a young man hugging you.
09:05So I noticed, yes.
09:09You were talking about the dragon?
09:12I've seen him before, 40 years ago.
09:15I know he was around 40 years before that,
09:18and 40 years before that.
09:21It's been the same every time.
09:24An earthquake, then a monster,
09:26then another earthquake, and no monster.
09:30Why every 40 years?
09:32How should I know?
09:34You seem familiar.
09:36Yes, I get that a lot.
09:39It's real, isn't it?
09:41I saw it.
09:42Yeah, we saw it too.
09:44It's definitely real.
09:45It took my boat!
09:47Can you find it?
09:48Well, we found half of it.
09:50Half of it?
09:52Sorry, half of your boat was eaten.
09:55Actually, then the other half of your boat was eaten.
10:00Hello, Antaeus Necton.
10:03My name is Nereus.
10:05How do you know my full name?
10:07Antaeus, the others won't understand.
10:10You see, the dragon isn't important.
10:13Trust me, it's important.
10:15I was almost eaten by it.
10:17The creature is nothing compared to the secret it guards.
10:22I'm listening.
10:24This was no random earthquake.
10:27Out there, a trench has opened,
10:30and soon it will close again.
10:33Inside the trench is the creature's lair.
10:37Inside the lair lies the secret.
10:41What is the secret?
10:42How do we find it?
10:43You'll know you're there when you can breathe beneath the waves.
10:49What's that supposed to mean?
10:51Oh, you'll find it.
10:53I have great faith in you, Antaeus Necton.
10:56In fact, I think it could all come down to you.
11:01If your family needs persuading, give this to your father.
11:07Remember, the sea is the key.
11:11The sea is the key.
11:14Wait, why?
11:18I'm not insured by sea monsters.
11:21Mom, Dad, we gotta go.
11:23Now, what is it?
11:24I'll explain once we're moving.
11:26If we don't go now, we'll have to wait another 40 years.
11:28And I'm way too impatient for that.
11:38It makes sense for the trench to be somewhere around here,
11:42where the earthquake was strongest.
11:44This makes no sense.
11:46Trenches don't just open and close every 40 years.
11:49According to Nereus, they do.
11:51And we just blindly believe strange old men on piers now?
11:54Does it matter? What's the worst that could happen?
11:56Well, it sounds like a trench could close on us, or we could be eaten.
12:01Have you ever eaten submarine?
12:03Not the tastiest.
12:05Aunt, your sister's right. We have no reason to trust this man.
12:10Dad, he said to give this to you.
12:16What is it?
12:18He knew my parents.
12:22Oh, Will.
12:24The tooth. Our grandparents knew about the creature, too.
12:28I have a lot of questions for this Nereus.
12:31Dad, Nereus said the trench is gonna close.
12:34The citizens will have to wait.
12:36Fontaine, set a course for the hypocenter of the quake.
12:46The earthquake originated somewhere around here,
12:49but I don't know what we're looking for.
12:52Never mind.
12:53What is it?
12:54The seafloor just disappeared.
13:00This trench isn't on any maps I've ever seen.
13:03Yeah, Dad, but you look at some pretty old maps.
13:06No, I mean no maps at all. This trench doesn't exist.
13:10I think this proves we can trust the old man.
13:14Taking us in.
13:21According to the 3D scanners, the walls of the trench just keep going down.
13:26This trench is deep. Very deep.
13:34But there's something... It looks like a hole in the wall up ahead.
13:40The dragon's lair.
13:43But the scanners don't detect any creatures present.
13:46Then let's go snoop around.
13:49Wow. Something has been feeding here.
13:53Stay close, Ant.
13:58There's something up ahead.
14:19I don't know how, but the air in this chamber is breathable.
14:23That's what he said!
14:25Nereus. He said we'd be able to breathe beneath the waves.
14:28Shall we go for a walk?
14:35Okay. This was totally worth it.
14:38Mom! Dad!
14:44The inscriptions. They look Lemurian.
14:47Look here. See these lines running down the sides?
14:50It looks like this thing opens up.
14:53The ancient stone is alarmed?
14:55No. It's the rover.
14:57The creature is coming.
14:59Move! Move!
15:01Hang on. There's something...
15:03Ant, come on!
15:07The sea is the key.
15:14What are you doing?
15:16Ant, we need to go now.
15:18I think I worked it out.
15:22The sea is the key.
15:34This is the secret.
15:38A little help?
15:44No sign of him yet.
15:46Can I take that back?
16:02Aeronacs to rover! Aeronacs to rover!
16:07Keep the moon full open. We're almost there.
16:11Keep the moon full open. We're almost there.
16:14Hold on.
16:20Aeronacs to rover!
16:26Mom! Dad!
16:35Stay calm. Stay quiet.
16:38There's no reason for the creature to attack.
16:41We're not a threat to something that large,
16:43and we are not food.
16:46How are we not food?
16:48Sure, we're a round piece of metal and glass,
16:50but we have a soft, juicy inside.
16:56Hold on!
17:05A tremor?
17:09It's closing.
17:16Why is it leaving?
17:18Maybe it knows something we don't.
17:20Let's get out of here.
17:21We can't. The power's out.
17:24What about the homing beacon?
17:27It's gone. It must have been knocked off by the creature.
17:30All right, breathe calmly. Without power, we only have so much air.
17:34Ant will find us.
17:35Without the homing beacon?
17:37Ant will find us.
17:43No, no, no!
17:45What happened to the homing beacon?
17:47I can't find you without the beacon.
17:51That's it!
17:53Where's that tracker?
17:54This just has to work. There's no other way.
17:58Okay, I'll put the tracker on you, and you fetch my family.
18:02Got it?
18:07Jeffrey, I need you to fetch!
18:11Oh, please!
18:17My family needs me.
18:34We're coming!
18:39The rover door has a manual release.
18:41And you want to drown instead of being crushed?
18:44There's one suit in here capable of surviving at this depth.
18:49No, I won't put it on. I won't leave you.
18:52Fontaine, we don't have time. Just take it!
19:02Now it's no good to anyone.
19:05You know, when we survive this,
19:07you and I are going to have a serious talk about acts of defiance
19:10that don't destroy very expensive equipment.
19:18Isn't that Ant's fish?
19:20No way.
19:25No way!
19:27Have faith in the fish.
19:29Oh, no!
19:30The trench is closing!
19:43Need a lift?
19:45It's Ant!
19:46Ha-ha! I told you he'd find us!
19:54Ant, we're clear! Punch it!
19:56Hold onto something! We're going to have to move fast!
20:13Woo-hoo! Made it!
20:19I think someone is owed an apology.
20:22Okay, you were right, Ant.
20:25I should have had faith in your fish.
20:27I'm sorry.
20:28Not me. Jeffrey.
20:31You want me to apologize to a fish?
20:37Sorry, Jeffrey.
20:50Is it?
20:51Yes. It's written in Lemurian.
20:55I'm sure of it.
20:57I knew it!
20:58Will, are you okay?
21:00I'm fine, Keiko.
21:02I just wish my parents were still here to see this.
21:05Our family has been searching for Lemuria for so long.
21:08And this could be it.
21:09The key to the sunken world.
21:11This could hold the answer to the biggest mystery on the planet.
21:15Amazing. Can you read it?
21:18Not a word.
21:20And it begins.
21:23This should be interesting.
