The Deep S01E21 - Bad Luck Fish

  • 3 months ago
The Nektons are a family of underwater explorers who discover the hidden secrets of the oceans, including sunken cities, sea creatures and pirates.


00:20Good evening, Nolos.
00:22William Necton. A pleasure, as always.
00:28Oh, yes. The child is also here.
00:32In the last week, three boats have sunk in the Sargasso Sea.
00:36Oh, so sad. But life goes on, yes.
00:39Two trawlers went down and a solo yachtsman.
00:42We managed to rescue him.
00:44Heartwarming story.
00:46If there is a medal for retrieving foolish yachtsmen,
00:49I hope you receive it.
00:51Why are you bothering me?
00:54Those aboard the trawlers reported seeing a purple fish
00:57before they sank.
00:59The yachtsman mentioned the same fish.
01:01The yachtsman said the fish was bad luck.
01:03Do you know anything about this?
01:05I know many things about many fish.
01:08Could you be more specific?
01:15Ah, very specific.
01:20There. The bad luck fish.
01:23The bad luck fish.
01:25So it's a giant monster fish?
01:27This drawing is actual size.
01:30According to the stories,
01:32the bad luck fish causes ships to sink.
01:35Superstitious nonsense, of course.
01:38But the legend goes back to the very first recorded sinking
01:41in the Sargasso Sea in 1521.
01:44Uh, the first recorded sinking was in 500 B.C.
01:48Tell the child he's wrong.
01:51According to a text in our possession,
01:53a Phoenician treasure ship
01:55carrying precious artifacts sank in 500 B.C.
01:58in the exact same spot this latest yacht sank.
02:02Very bad luck.
02:04Mr. Dolos, this fish is our only clue.
02:08If we can work out why ships sink in the Sargasso,
02:11we can save lives.
02:13Yes. Wait here a moment while I retrieve something.
02:18Where's he going?
02:19Maybe he's coming back with more information.
02:28He's not coming back with more information.
02:31He's gone after the treasure ship in the Sargasso Sea.
02:35Can I gloat lots if we have to rescue him?
02:40My family are explorers.
02:42We have been for generations.
02:44While others look up to the stars,
02:46we know there are an infinite number of things
02:48that shine in the darkness below.
02:50There are things lurking in the seas
02:52that long ago vanished into myth.
02:54My family are explorers,
02:56and we explore...
02:58the deep.
03:11The report has a trawler sinking
03:13at 22 degrees north latitude
03:15and 66 degrees west longitude.
03:20I am at the location of the treasure ship.
03:22Where are you?
03:24Our engines are clogged with seaweed.
03:26I need a salvage crew right now!
03:29Our boat ain't going anywhere, Dolos.
03:33How could a boat be paralyzed by seaweed?
03:36Just bad luck, I guess.
03:53Go away!
04:01What is...
04:11A water-activated distress beacon has just gone off.
04:14Dolos, where is he?
04:16The exact coordinates of the sunken ship.
04:19Aunt Fontaine, go get him and have fun.
04:37Somebody help!
04:40Hello, Mr. Dolos.
04:42Somebody help!
04:44Did the bad luck fish sink your boat?
04:47The only bad luck is you two being here.
04:51So you don't want us to rescue you?
04:54Maybe I do.
05:02We'll take you aboard the Aranax.
05:05No, that is unnatural and disturbing.
05:08I will stay here.
05:10Are you scared of going underwater?
05:13I am scared of nothing.
05:15Come on.
05:18Since we're already picking up one grumpy-looking passenger,
05:21we may as well pick up another as a sample.
05:24Fontaine, are you sure you want to bring a bad luck fish on board?
05:28Aunt, nobody knows about this species.
05:30We should study it while we can.
05:32But all the boats that have sunk?
05:34There's always a rational explanation.
05:36An annoying child who says something almost sensible.
05:40How rare.
06:06I will remain here,
06:08where I can quickly escape from this giant underwater metal death trap.
06:12Aunt, can you bring Dolos to the bridge immediately?
06:15We need to talk.
06:17I have far more important things to do
06:19than socialize with your parents.
06:21Or you.
06:22Especially you.
06:26Are you planning on stealing our rover
06:28and leaving us stranded in the middle of nowhere?
06:31I don't think so.
06:34Are you planning on stealing our rover
06:36and looking for sunken Phoenician treasure?
06:41Dad, this could take a while.
06:44Drag him if you have to.
06:46I want to know exactly how his boat sank.
06:48I'll try, but I think he's scared.
06:50I'm scared of nothing.
06:52Any debris or solid objects on Sonar
06:54that Dolos might have collided with?
06:56Nothing but seaweed.
06:58Bad luck fish, huh?
07:13Let's see if we can find what you really are
07:16in... this.
07:29That was just a case of poorly stacked books.
07:32And a bit of clumsiness on my part.
07:35But definitely not bad luck.
07:37Right, Jeffrey?
07:41Looks like the bad luck fish
07:43have taken an interest in the aerodynamics.
07:45Will, they're not bad luck fish.
07:47That's absurd.
07:48They have all the luck of regular fish.
08:06Did we hit something?
08:08No, I don't know what this is.
08:10Let go!
08:16Stop that!
08:21Dolos, what are you doing?
08:23Getting out of this death trap!
08:26But you don't know how to drive a rover!
08:29Do too!
08:33We're still dropping!
08:35I don't know!
08:52We're in free fall!
09:05The submarine is a giant underwater death trap!
09:13Mom? Dad?
09:14Are you okay?
09:15Talk to me!
09:16Is everyone all right?
09:21We're fine, Ed.
09:23Ed, can you hear me?
09:25The purple fish.
09:26It's inside Jeffrey's tubes.
09:28It's inside the aeronax.
09:30Bigger problems here, Fontaine.
09:32But Mom...
09:33Some systems are offline.
09:35Navigation, heating...
09:38We have to get that fish off the aeronax.
09:41Fontaine, you can't possibly believe
09:43that this was caused by a big fish.
09:46I didn't, but then we brought one on board
09:48and five minutes later,
09:49we were stuck on the bottom of the sea.
09:51That seems like bad luck to me.
09:53Look, we need to focus our energy
09:55on restarting the engines.
09:57You're right.
09:58You and I will work on the engines.
10:00Fontaine, take care of that fish.
10:02Not you, too.
10:03I'm not saying the fish is bad luck.
10:05I'm just saying I want it off our sub.
10:07We should be searching for the treasure,
10:09not wasting our time with...
10:10We're gonna rescue my family!
10:12You can help us!
10:13I choose to complain!
10:14I choose to save!
10:15Be quiet!
10:16I'm concentrating!
10:17I choose not to heed orders from children!
10:19Out of the way!
10:20Why do you keep doing this?
10:22Come on, you know you can't drive!
10:47Just a coincidence, Fontaine.
10:49The ocean floor here is unstable.
10:51Do you think it could collapse entirely?
10:58I think we should find a way
11:00to surface as quickly as possible.
11:03Stop it, Doulos!
11:05We're going the wrong way!
11:07You are going the wrong way!
11:09I am going my way!
11:14The bad luck fish!
11:15You are trying to distract me
11:17by this bumper Phoenician treasure!
11:19Get back!
11:20Back, back!
11:22Doulos, you have to listen to me!
11:24Are you talking about treasure?
11:26Then, no, I don't.
11:38Let me drive!
11:40You'll make us...
11:45Okay, restarting engines.
11:51That seems like a good sign.
11:53So, let's get out of here.
12:01We're not moving.
12:03Our ballast still isn't venting.
12:05We need to release water.
12:06We're too heavy.
12:07The release pipe is blocked?
12:09It must be.
12:10Which means we need someone on the outside.
12:12The ocean floor will be blocking the moon pool door.
12:15But there are other ways.
12:16I'll head out.
12:24I've got you now.
12:30It's not bad luck.
12:32Just a matter of time before I tripped over this mess.
12:45Aw, poor Jeffrey.
12:47The bad luck fish sure has a crush on you.
12:52Maybe we can help each other out.
12:56Well, we're stuck.
12:59Not good.
13:00This is not good.
13:03The fish.
13:04It's true.
13:05It's all true.
13:06They are bad luck.
13:07They are cursed.
13:09Stop panicking.
13:10Think of the treasure.
13:12It seems to outweigh your fear of being underwater.
13:14My fear of being stuck in here with you is even greater.
13:17Ant, your father could use your help
13:19clearing the ballast release pipe.
13:21We are stuck.
13:22You are on your own.
13:24Ignore him.
13:25We'll get out of this.
13:26We'll see you soon.
13:27Rover out.
13:28There's dive gear here.
13:29We can get outside and cut through the seaweed.
13:32Out there?
13:34I pass.
13:42The fish have caused her to fly!
13:44Just calm down.
13:45We need to flood the rover to open the canopy.
13:48We can take in this laser.
13:49We can still talk to each other through the masks.
13:51Do we have to?
13:53We have to.
14:03You could try being a little nicer.
14:06I tried that once.
14:08It was not profitable.
14:12You don't scare me.
14:14You're just a fish.
14:17Zellos, try the engines.
14:19That button there.
14:21Now pull back on the throttle!
14:24Pull back on the throttle!
14:25Zellos, come back!
14:27Come back?
14:28Or search for valuable Phoenician artifacts?
14:32Such a difficult decision.
14:43The solar ski tubes aren't as smooth as the moon pool.
14:46But they do the trick.
14:49What is it?
14:50Talk to me, Will.
14:51The pipe is bent and blocked.
14:53It may be brittle.
14:54Heat it before you bend it back.
14:56The air is coming up from below the seabed.
14:58It looks like it could collapse at any moment.
15:00Then work fast.
15:13The gas bubbles!
15:14They're methane!
15:15Are you okay?
15:16I'm fine.
15:17Methane, Keiko.
15:18Highly flammable.
15:19It makes sense.
15:21Centuries of rotting seaweed.
15:23Methane forms under the seafloor.
15:25And as the bubbles rise, they turn into foam.
15:28Mostly air.
15:29And air can't support boats.
15:31We just discovered why all those ships went missing.
15:37I think we're about to join them!
15:39Stupid seaweed!
15:41How am I supposed to find a shipwreck in all of this?
15:51You're lost, Dolos.
15:53You need to come back for me.
15:57This is your fault!
15:59Go away!
16:01How is this my fault?
16:03I'm sorry, Dolos.
16:05This is your fault!
16:06Go away!
16:07How is this my fault?
16:09I was not talking to you, child.
16:13I'm turning on a beacon so you can come find me.
16:16Unless you are a sunken Phoenician treasure ship,
16:19I have no interest in where you are.
16:27Now, where am I?
16:35It worked, Will!
16:37I'm benching the ballast.
16:39But the Aeronauts isn't rising.
16:43Kinko, we're running out of time!
16:55Bad luck, fish.
16:56Your luck just ran out.
16:58I am not lost!
17:00I am not lost!
17:03Oh, that's impossible!
17:06I'm going around in circles!
17:11You did this!
17:13Go away!
17:15You can't blame the fish, Dolos.
17:17This isn't bad luck.
17:19You chose to look for the treasure.
17:21You chose to take the rover.
17:23And you chose to abandon it.
17:25You chose to take the rover.
17:27And you chose to abandon me.
17:29Now you're lost.
17:30And you've got no one to blame but yourself.
17:40There's no such thing as bad luck.
17:42You just made a bad choice.
17:47Hello, Mr. Dolos.
17:49You came back for me!
17:51And now I'm making a choice to...
17:54let you drive.
17:58Now you made a good choice.
18:00And good things will happen.
18:02We'll find the treasure?
18:03That's not what I meant.
18:05You will stop talking?
18:08Okay, the ballast is empty.
18:10I'm gonna try the engines again.
18:19It's no good.
18:20I'm giving the engines everything,
18:22but the ship won't budge.
18:24We've done everything we can, Kinko.
18:26We may have to abandon the Aeronax.
18:33Is this...
18:34as bad as it looks?
18:36Very bad.
18:37There's no treasure down here at all.
18:39The Aeronax is stuck in the ground,
18:41and the gas underneath is methane.
18:43We're sitting on a bomb here, Ant.
18:46Dad, you know how you have reservations
18:48about all my crazier ideas?
18:50This one you're gonna hate.
18:52I hate it already, and I haven't even heard it.
18:55The methane bubbles form below the surface, right?
18:58If we wait until a really big one forms...
19:01Like that one?
19:03Yes, perfect!
19:04That will temporarily deplete the methane underneath.
19:08Then we ignite what's left.
19:10Okay, I've heard it now, and yes, I hate it.
19:13Did you say ignite?
19:14Ant is right.
19:15It will loosen the seal to free the Aeronax.
19:17Your plan for our freedom is a massive explosion?
19:20I did say no one would like my plan.
19:23Mom, I ejected the bad luck fish out of the solar ski tubes.
19:26Our bad luck is gone.
19:28We could fall through the seabed at any second,
19:30and Ant is planning to save us by blowing us up.
19:33Okay, so maybe not.
19:37Ant, it's time.
19:39Keiko, fire up the engines.
19:47Igniting the methane in 3...
20:08Hold on!
20:14Hang on, Fontaine!
20:24Way to not explode, Mom!
20:31Everyone back on board.
20:33Let's get out of here.
20:35I just want to point out that we totally didn't get blown up.
20:38I think it's safe to say that there's no such thing as the bad luck fish.
20:42We know why the ship sank now.
20:44We can tell all vessels to avoid this area.
20:46And I'm guessing those purple fish thrive in methane-rich water.
20:50Hey, Fontaine.
20:51Ever since I stopped being superstitious and started making better decisions,
20:54I've had nothing but good luck.
20:56I even made a new friend.
20:58Don't touch me.
21:00I wasted my time coming here.
21:02There is no treasure.
21:04You're wrong.
21:05We found the best kind of treasure there is.
21:09Oh, I feel sick.
21:11Oh, that's okay.
21:12I'll look after you, good buddy.
21:14This has to stop!