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كيف أصبحت المملكة العربية السعودية محط أنظار الجميع؟ | مقابلة مع Citi Bank

تعرف على عالم التقنية المالية الديناميكي في السعودية من خلال رؤى السيد رونيت جوس، مدير مركز أبحاث مستقبل التمويل التابع لسيتي بانك. يكشف لنا السيد رونيت كيف أن السعودية تكسر الاتجاهات وتدفع النمو في المالية العالمية. كما يعرفنا على كيفية تشكيل تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي وابتكارات البلوكشين لمستقبل القطاع المالي. بالمجمل نتعرف في هذه المقابلة على سبب ظهور السعودية كلاعب رئيسي في ثورة التقنية المالية.

How Did Saudi Arabia Become the Center of Attention? | Interview with Citi Bank

Explore the dynamic world of fintech in Saudi Arabia through insights from Mr. Ronit Ghose, Manager of Citi Bank’s Future of Finance think tank. Mr. Ghose reveals how Saudi Arabia is breaking trends and driving growth in global finance. He also explains how AI technologies and blockchain innovations are shaping the future of the financial sector. Overall, this interview highlights why Saudi Arabia is emerging as a key player in the fintech revolution.


00:00This is one of the very few countries right now, Saudi, maybe India, where I was last week,
00:05where there's a big, big change happening. These countries are breaking the trend.
00:11In the rest of the world, what's happened is that there was a big boom in fintech,
00:15then COVID happened, COVID accelerated fintech and digital adoption, and then everything began
00:20to slow. And fintech has become a bubble that burst in these other countries.
00:25Here in Saudi and maybe in India, it's completely different.
00:30We're here, 24 fintech in Saudi, and Saudi is a really interesting market, economically,
00:43financially, in every sense, not just in fintech, for Citi, but for pretty much every major bank
00:49and player in the world in finance, because this is one of the very few countries right now,
00:55maybe here, Saudi, maybe India, where I was last week, where there's a big, big change happening.
01:04These countries are breaking the trend. In the rest of the world, what's happened is that there
01:08was a big boom in fintech, then COVID happened, COVID accelerated fintech and digital adoption,
01:15and then everything began to slow. And fintech has become a bubble that burst in these other
01:20countries. Here in Saudi and maybe in India, it's completely different. It's still growing.
01:27There's still lots of really interesting real-world changes happening here.
01:39So, where's a lot of us from Citi here today in Riyadh? Some of my colleagues are based here,
01:44like our country head was here. Some of us flew in from the UK, Ireland, UAE. There's quite a few
01:51of us here. You'll see the pictures on social media. And from all parts of the bank, from the
01:57transaction bank in particular, we have a very strong business. We call it Services. This is
02:03moving money, cash around the world. So, if you're a company, a medium-sized company, a big company,
02:09an emerging company in Saudi Arabia, and you want to do business around the world,
02:14we're one of the go-to banks. It used to be called TTS. We call it our services business.
02:20There are a lot of my colleagues from services and also banking, the classic banking businesses.
02:25So, we have our presence here, obviously, in the kingdom, and we're looking to grow that presence.
02:30So, there are always big, big trends. And some of them, you'll have all heard about AI,
02:35artificial intelligence. So, AI is going to be a big mega trend, not just in fintech and finance,
02:40but in general. Another area that's changing the plumbing of finance is blockchain and tokenization.
02:46But at the end of the day, what do you have to do? And we're just on a panel with some of the
02:50founders and some of the big fintechs trying to figure out how to do that. So, we're going to
02:55and we're just on a panel with some of the founders and some of the big fintechs from
02:59Saudi, Egypt, and other countries. And one of the things the founders said really resonated with me
03:03is, you're solving a problem. You have to get those first 100 clients. You've got to find a problem,
03:10a solution to a problem in the country. It's not just about, hey, I've got this mega trend,
03:14let's say with a gen AI. It's about how do I use AI to deliver a better solution?
03:20And one of the stages today, I gave a keynote speech talking about how
03:23I don't know if AI is going to help profitability of financial services companies, but I do know
03:29it'll most likely help the clients, particularly the smaller business clients, the consumers,
03:34the individuals, because none of us want to spend our time, unless we're a very big company
03:39or a big government department, thinking about money. We want to do something else,
03:43buy a house, go on holiday, run our business. AI basically becomes like another tool. It's like
03:50having a whole treasury division or private banking advisor telling you, hey, look at that
03:54rate or look at that price. And that's why I think AI is going to really be a fundamental trend
03:59to help clients do better in the next three, five, seven years. I'm very positive about that
04:04from a client perspective. So when you look at what Citi is doing in the AI space, so number one,
04:16we'd highlight investments. So we can't, no big company can invent everything inside. So we have
04:23a ventures arm. They run out of Palo Alto, San Francisco, and they're global. They operate
04:27globally, but obviously from the Bay area. And they have invested in probably, this is based
04:32on independent consultants, more AI companies, AI startups last year than any other big bank.
04:38So one of the ways we're trying to deal with this topic is invest in new companies, because we don't
04:44have the monopoly of all good ideas. Other people do. Let's partner with them. Let's invest in them.
04:48Second area is we're rolling out AI this year into our technology division. So most of the,
04:56I think it's 30,000, 40,000 software developers, they have access or will have access soon to AI,
05:02gen AI tools. Now there's AI and there's gen AI and there's machine learning and there's lots of,
05:08a lot of times people mix up all these terms. So if you look at machine learning or you can say
05:13pre-gen AI, AI, we've been using it like most banks in risk, in pricing, in fraud detection
05:19for years. It's not new. What is new is gen AI. And that will be rolled out slowly when it comes
05:26to the client facing side. We'll first use it for internal productivity boost.
05:31So when I look around the world, as I said, I've just been in India and Japan last week,
05:35and I'm in Saudi. I'm going to the UAE and then spend some time in Europe next week.
05:41We definitely see one of the bright spots in the world being Saudi, being the kingdom of
05:47Saudi Arabia. Our group CEO has visited regularly. She'll be back again, hopefully soon.
05:56If I had to think of some major countries around the world, Saudi, India, obviously the U.S.
06:01We're an American bank and America remains the world's largest economy and the source of so
06:05much innovation and invention. Those are some of the countries that I think are right up there.
06:10I'm thinking as an analyst and as someone who runs a think tank for Citi, those are the countries I
06:15would be focused on for the next five to 10 years. And I think that's what we're going to see.
06:20Someone who runs a think tank for Citi, those are the countries I would be focused on from
06:25a research and analysis perspective as key important change factors. And this is not to say
06:30there aren't smart, interesting things happening in Europe, in Japan, in China. And that's the
06:36amazing thing about being in a global bank. There's so much happening around the world that
06:40we can look at. But when I look at change, the rate of change, I first began looking at the
06:46kingdom about eight, ten years ago. So we all know this, the rate of change from that period in
06:532014-15 and now is obviously an accelerating rate of change. It's great for the people who live here
07:00and it's obviously great also for the region as a whole. And it's a privilege to have been here
07:04for this event today.
