کہانی پاکستانی- لوگ کچھ ہٹ کر ، کہانیاں کچھ منفرد

  • 9 years ago
This show has two stories featuring two very unique women of Pakistani back ground. Hira Batool from Islamabad came up with an innovative idea of providing affordable commute option to working women and students through her recently launched ‘Shekab’ project . Hira conceived this idea during her study program in the US with Georgia Tech University.

Amina Farooqi was elected the president of J-Street U. J-street U is the student wing of a very prominent Pro-Israel and pro-two state solution organization, J-Street. Interview explores Amina’s reasons for joining an organization that is considered pro-Israel and why she believes that there is a need to reach out to the Israelis for the peaceful solution of Israel-Palestine conflict.

The show goes on to showcase a segment based on a very intriguing question and i.e. “Should The US Be The World’s Policeman?”. This piece explores the question from both sides of the debate.


