My Little Disney: Not in Nottingham

  • 9 years ago
You know, when making the montage portion in the middle of this one, something occurred to me... there's not a lot of good things that happen to Ponyville, are there? The town specifically, I don't mean just to any given pony living there. Bad things, certainly, I had to narrow it down to the ten worst just to fit them in, but good things? Makes you wonder just how sweet the rent is if nopony ever moves away...

And that's the end of Robin Hood. The break between sets might be a little longer than usual, as I need to work on a couple of other projects and study for finals, but I'll try to keep the wait as short as I can. See you all in the next one!

I challenge you to a duel, good sir! The winner will own both My Little Pony and Disney, and the loser will have to make poorly-made fan videos for free! Prepare yourse- ouch! Hey, gah... wait, I wasn't ready... ow! Gah!

