My Little Warner Bros: Little Boat on the Sea

  • 9 years ago
For those of us who are new, I do a song from a non-Disney movie between each of my Disney sets, and this time the movie is Cats Don't Dance. We catch a glimpse of the major cast here, not the least of which is darling little Miss Dimple. Who could play that part better than Diamond Tiara, I ask you? I sure can't think of anypony else.

An odd choice I had to make was for the animals, though. The cats are going to be played by ponies after all, should all the animals as well? After thinking about it, I decided to use normal animals to make it easier on myself rather than make sense. They are just in the background of this song anyway, the important animals will be coming up later. Best to save my cast for when they are really needed.

I do not own My Little Pony or Warner Bros. All I have are my life savings and a poker chip for free entry into this tournament.
"...Close enough!"

