My Little Disney: Agony

  • 9 years ago
...too hot... don't want... to work... in this heat...

I'm almost certain that I'm the only person in the whole fandom who wants a Prince Blueblood episode. We've only seen him once since the Gala, at that was in the background during the Equestria games. Despite his low screen time, he would have been perfect for the role of Cinderella's prince, no contest. Various other problems, like Flim and Flam hardly every being apart from each other or Trenderhoof always being onscreen with Applejack or Rarity, made this an excruciating casting choice for me. I eventually fell upon Discord do to the one line the Prince had towards the end of the movie, where he said he was only taught how to be charming, not faithful. That resonated a little with how Discord knows some, but most importantly not all, about friendship and I clung to the justification like a drowning man to a life raft.

Shining Armor, of course, shouldn't need much explanation. Unlike in the play, Rapunzel's prince was faithful to her all the way through. And while I said Rarity was reprising her role from Tangled, I don't believe I ever specifically said the others were as well! Plus this guy sounds a whole lot like Shining anyway, so that's a win right there.

I do... I do not... gah, I can't think in this heat... Just... just imagine I said something clever about not owning My Little Pony or Disney... I'm going to find some ice...

