THE NET (1995)

  • 11 years ago
This review first appeared on the "Top Hat And Buttered Popcorn" program that aired bi-monthly on the Fairfax County (VA) cable television station, Channel 10. It was hosted by John Savers. This movie wove together themes of megalomania and computer software development, creating a potential global threat. Who would suppose that a virus could prove friendly? This movie was skillfully directed by Irwin Winkler. It starred Sandra Bullock, who also did well. Dennis Miller and Jeremy Northam also appeared in supporting roles. This movie was one of the "warning" flicks that Hollywood produces from time to time. It provided the general public, which has been rarely vigilant on matters that could potentially adversely affect them, with a storyline that focused on technical mischief of a computerized kind. This movie was skillfully directed by Irwin Winkler, and it starred Sandra Bullock, who also did well. Dennis Miller and Jeremy Northam provided the main supporting characters. This movie was a "warning" flick of the sort occasionally produced by Hollywood. It provided an often unaware public "food for thought" in regard to the potential for dangerous mischief in the area of computerized data. This was a suspenseful movie, which began with a sensational event, based on a true event, that seemed in stark contrast to the rather pedestrian story that immediately followed. However, Irwin Winkler proved that he knew how to build suspense. Good movie.
