• last year
BILLION DOLLAR HEIST Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: a global, eye-opening feature documentary that unravels the audacious cyber heist at the Bangladeshi Central Bank. Delve into the evolution of cyber-crime, from basic fraud to sophisticated criminal organizations, with insights from esteemed cyber security experts like Eric Chien, Mikko Hypponen, Keith Mularski, and renowned journalist and author of "McMafia," Misha Glenny. Witness an epic tale of cat-and-mouse as key players on both sides of the law clash, putting our money and security at stake.

BILLION DOLLAR HEIST is directed by Daniel Gordon (Known for "The Australian Dream," "Crossing the Line," "The Fall") and produced by Matthew Metcalfe (Credits include "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck," "Mothers of the Revolution").
00:00 There are four threats to the human race.
00:05 The pandemic, weapons of mass destruction, climate change, and cyber.
00:16 It takes one person, one weak link.
00:20 If you're being specifically targeted, they will follow that trace and they will get you.
00:28 The Federal Reserve in New York holds trillions of dollars kept by banks around the world.
00:34 The criminals can't hack the network system of the Fed, so they turn their attention to
00:38 a more vulnerable target, the Bangladesh Bank.
00:42 The heist is on.
00:45 Bangladesh was the biggest cyber heist of all time.
00:49 It is a mistake to think this happened overnight.
00:52 Members of the Bangladeshi Bank were targeted.
00:55 They tricked them to click on an attachment that contained malicious code.
00:59 They were inside the bank's network for a full year.
01:03 Poppings, screenshots, e-strokes of employees.
01:07 Jumping from a computer to a computer.
01:09 Bingo.
01:10 They find the terminal that communicates with the Fed.
01:13 They had no idea for a very long time what was happening.
01:19 It's too late.
01:21 The money's gone.
01:24 This isn't just normal criminals.
01:27 They're state-trained hackers, still very much at large.
01:33 Sony Pictures went down.
01:35 We saw a continued attack on hospitals in the United Kingdom.
01:39 The US election.
01:42 Bangladesh was a bombshell.
01:44 It just blew my mind.
01:47 Every year the hacks get bigger, the damage greater, the implications graver.
01:54 In many ways I think we've seen nothing yet.
01:57 (MUSIC)