Hidden Sugar Can Raise Health Risk

  • 11 years ago
Hidden sugar can increase health risk.

With sugary drinks getting all of the attention lately, the government has issued a report reminding consumers to watch for sugars in the rest of the foods as well.

Authors Ervin and Ogden from the Centers for Disease Control found that added sugars account for 13 percent of the typical American adult’s total intake.

They also discovered that most of that sugar is hiding in people’s own homes, not restaurants as one might expect.

Hidden sugars are, of course, a threat because too much sugar in general can be. Excess consumption has been linked to liver problems and heart disease.

When people aren’t expecting the sugars to be present, they aren’t accounting for them in their diets.

Further, food packaging can be confusing, especially in cases where an average bowl holds multiple servings.

Prepared foods are also big contributors to the average person’s daily intake. Staples such as bread and condiments like ketchup have significant quantities.

Other edibles packed with surprise sugars are fat free salad dressing, beef jerky, and peanut butter.