Health Risks of Sugar

  • 6 years ago
Nothing taste as better as sugar does. It is everyone’s favorite and every dish is incomplete without a sweet dish. But a bad news is that sugars can affect our health more than any other tasty dish. Here are some facts which need to be kept in mind while munching on sugars.

Everything about sugar
Carbohydrates which contains sugars are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The two simplest sugars containing only six carbons are glucose and fructose.
There are two types of carbohydrates simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are also called simple sugars and increases the blood sugar immediately whereas complex carbohydrates takes longer time to digest that's why considered good for health.
Health risks of sugars
Sugar immediately make the blood glucose to rise and fall. Like every other blood composites blood glucose too has a fixed level. If any changes occurs in the composition it can causes mood swings, fatigue, headache and craving for eating more sugars.
Studies have shown people who use little or no sugar have very less inclination towards sweet things and they remain emotionally stable all the time.
Sugar is the main reason of the obesity, diabetes or heart diseases. If a person consumes food containing high glycemic index like wheat or rice he or she is at the greater risk of developing these diseases.
Sugars do affects our immune system because all harmful bacteria and disease causing yeast like to feed on sugars. Therefore a person who has increased sugar intake can be seen falling sick frequently.
High sugary food can reduce the content of chromium in the body. Chromium is the essential element which takes of the body’s metabolism by regulating the blood sugar. It helps in the transportation of the insulin and glucose to the cells.
If you want to delay the ageing process then stop eating sugar as it will make you look old much early. Yes, sugar do accelerates ageing and sagging of skin as it reduces the elasticity of the tissues through a process of glycation.
This is no hidden fact that sugar damages the teeth. It helps bacteria to flourish and fasten the process of tooth decay. Along with brushing the teeth twice a day it would be great if you reduce the sugar intake.
Sugar dominates in the body and reduces the intake of other essential elements like vitamin A, vitamin C, Folate, vitamin B12, calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium in the body. Sugar affects the children and teenagers more as the high intake of sugar is found during these stages.

