
  • 11 years ago
investment is putting money into
something with the expectation of gain,
usually over a longer term. This may or
may not be backed by research and
analysis. Most or all forms of
investment involve some form of risk,
such as investment in equities,
property, and even fixed interest
securities which are subject, inter
alia, to inflation risk.
In contrast putting money into something
with a hope of short-term gain, with or
without thorough analysis, is gambling
or speculation. This category would
include most forms of derivatives, which
incorporate a risk element without being
long-term homes for money, and betting
on horses. It would also include
purchase of e.g. a company share in the
hope of a short-term gain without any
intention of holding it for the long
term. Under the efficient market
hypothesis, all investments with equal
risk should have the same expected rate
of return: that is to say there is a
trade-off between risk and expected
return. But that does not prevent one
from investing in risky assets over the
long term in the hope of benefiting from
this trade-off. The common usage of
investment to describe speculation has
had an effect in real life as well: it
reduced investor capacity to discern
investment from speculation, reduced
investor awareness of risk associated
with speculation, increased capital
available to speculation, and decreased
capital available to investment.

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