111 Trees Are Grown for Every Girl in This Village

  • 11 years ago
111 trees are grown for every girl in this village.

One village in India is being recognized for planting 111 trees every time that a baby girl is born.
Piplantri village in the state of Rajasthan is trying to promote women’s rights and environmentalism by getting the families to sign a document that ensures they will educate their daughters and wait until they are legal age to find a husband for them.

They also agree to tend to the 111 trees that are planted in honor of the girls.

The village doesn’t stop there. Money is collected from both the parents and the community to deposit into an account for each newborn girl.

The tradition was started by a father in memory of his daughter who died at a young age a few years ago.

11 trees are also planted in the village when someone dies.

Over the course of six years, the people of the village have planted around a quarter million trees.

As protection from termites, the villagers also plant aloe vera all around the trees.

The aloe plants have become a source of economic growth for the area, allowing people to make aloe based products like juice and gels to sell on the market.


