Hanafi Methodology by Dr Saleem Anwar

  • 11 years ago
One of the reasons for the downfall of this ummah is the disunity among the Muslims. The contention among Muslims stems from the differences of Imams of Islamic law in certain detailed matters. Most of these are actually very trivial. However, the Muslim ummah has long forgotten the golden principle of differing in subsidiary matters.

Part of the reason why people criticise the followers of other than their Imams or scholars is the lack of insight in to the methodology the 'others' use.

Dr Saleem tries to minimise the divide and split among Muslims by explaining the methodology adopted by Imam Abu Hanifah RA. Once understood, it would help acknowledge why the Imam and his followers dont act upon some of the most famous hadiths. The talk is not intended to make people agree with the arguments but to enable them to realise and not censure what had always been legally acceptable based on a different methodology among the scholars of this ummah.

May Allaah unite the ummah and bless it and everyone who wishes well for it.


