The Whistler's Video blog before Miami Pro - Fri 1st March 2013

  • 11 years ago
Since it's a month & 6 days to go, I've decided to make a video blog, wishing everybody a best of luck and looking forward to meet all of you in April!!

Taking about a total of 20 takes, due to some people keep on interrupting, especially with my new clothing, lol! While I was running out of time to do the very last take, forgotting everything what I've said in the first take, so I rushed it up a bit, trying to get my video blog out of the way, having a swim afterwards while trying out my new Swimwear shorts, getting changed, walking all my way back to home, having something to eat as soon I get home and get ready for work!!

Stay focused, train hard, but don't get yourself injured! Stay strong & healthy and I'll see y'all in April!!

If anyone needs some help with getting the way to any Tanning Venue or St. Albans Arena, let me know and I'll added more Google Maps links onto my Miami Pro 2012 Mr. Personality Winner FB page:
