Pre Happy New Year 2013 Video Blog

  • 11 years ago
Finally, it’s 2013!! Here we go; here we go, let’s start the New Year’s with a bang! Cheers…
New Year, new start, new memories, new goals to achieve!

What’s yours new years revolution? Let’s hear it!
What’s yours new years revolution, Give up smoking? Well, this time you better mean it, reduce your amount of smoking, drop your cigarettes, pick up nicotine patches to control your craves and start a new life, sooner or later, you’ll be thanking me, saying to me you’re right!

Here we go, here we go, 2013
The end of 2012, here we go,
Forget the past; it’s time to move forward, not going backwards!
Happy New Year, Happy New Year 2013,
Here we go, here we go

Keeping in touch day after day, getting more motivated with new positive & upbeat people, completely surrounded with Fitness freaks out there by Fitness networking Community online and Miami pro is booming, getting more bigger each time with unlimited surprises stored for all of us, Miami Pro Athletes, all thanks to Angie! Go Angie, go Angie!

Here we go, here we go, 2013
The end of 2012, here we go,
Forget the past; it’s time to move forward, not going backwards!
Happy New Year, Happy New Year 2013,
Here we go, here we go

Peace, I’m out, wishing everybody a happy new and all the best for 2013!!
