• 11 years ago
Set in Kretinga, Lithuania.
Match between Lithuania and Belarus.

Motoball is quite similar to soccer and was invented France.

Motoball is played on places with asphalt, hard court or grass. The dimensions are those of a soccer field, i.e. approx. 90-110m x 50-75m. The goal is 7,32m x 2,44m and in front of the goal, there is a circle with a radius of 5,75m which may neither be left by the goalkeeper enter by a player nor entered by a player-
The ball is made from leather and has, differently to soccer, a circumference of 119-126cm and a weight of 900-1000 grams.

The motorcycles are special machines with 250cc engines which can reach a speed of approximately 70km/h. A team normally consists of 2 goalkeepers and 8 field players. Four of the players are active on the field while the other four are available for a "flying change". In addition, the team is completed by 2 mechanics and the team leader and/or the coach respectively. The playing time is 4x20 minutes with a break of 10 minutes between each quarter.
The ball is played with the foot, the offside rule as in soccer not being used, but the ball must cross the middle line and then be played and then be touched by a player of the own or the opposing team.

A Motoball match is supervised by 2 arbiters and 2 linesmen. The sanctions are: green card = warning and 2 minutes time penalty, yellow card = 5 minutes penalty, yellow/red card = sending-off (but after 10 minutes, the sanctioned player may be replaced by another player) and finally red card = direct sending-off with following sanctions. In order to exercise this sport, the players need a great deal of riding abilities, ball feeling and a good physical condition. The Motoball clubs are pure amateur teams for which the members invest not only their free time but quite often also substantial financial means. For the clubs it is quit difficult to maintain the existing machines and to invest in the purchase of new ones.
