
  • 11 years ago
Welcome to the Wane Fawesome channel and my first full length show. In sketch number two my idea is used in the new Mayhem commercial from Allstate.

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In this episode we make fun of Geico's little piggy, onstar, Sprint's break up commercial, the Pilsbury dough boy. Also introducing Stickyman, Obe & Miphonez from my stickytoonz characters. Taco teaches the kids about the letter P. Shane's dog learns a new trick. Superdude forgets his own strengths. Winkie and his donut girlfriend get in a sticky situation. Dawson's creek is discovered.


Programs used to create this show.

Swift 3D version 5
Adobe Flash CS4


With the exception of a few Apple loops from garageband, all of the content in this video was created by wane fawes and is the property of flying van productions.

The following is quoted from Apple's website:

"The GarageBand software license agreement says:

"GarageBand Software. You may use the Apple and third party audio loop content (Audio Content), contained in or otherwise included with the Apple Software, on a royalty-free basis, to create your own original music compositions or audio projects. You may broadcast and/or distribute your own music compositions or audio projects that were created using the Audio Content, however, individual audio loops may not be commercially or otherwise distributed on a standalone basis, nor may they be repackaged in whole or in part as audio samples, sound effects or music beds."


