Shahanshah Aryamehr1979-80

  • 17 years ago
In 1979 masses of anti-Iranians, brainwashed villagers and others had gathered on the streets of Iran in order to take over the country with backing by European states and the Carter Administration.
The prosperity of the Iranian Nation under the guidance of His Imperial Majesty was not in the interests of these countries who would rather have a poor, backward, Islamic Republic take over.

The Shahanshah of Iran in order to defuse to explosive atmosphere and threat to Iran's integrity pleaded that these people seize their activities which where harming the state and that political reform would be accelerated.

The Islamist/Communists alliance (Jebhe Zedde Melli, Fedayaan Eslam, Hezbe Toodeh etc!) would never have accepted this and armed rebellion against the Iranian Government was pursued by these destructive groups.

The Shahanshah in an ultimate bid to save the country appointed H.E. Shahpour Bakhtiar to the Premiership and ordered him to do his best to save the country from total destruction. The Shahanshah also decided that leaving Iran might defuse the tensions already running high in the country due to immense false propaganda that had been spread.

Orders had been given by the Shahanshah that soldiers were not to open fire on the demonstrators and that Iranian blood would not be shed under his orders.
The Shahanshah suffering from cancer and incapable of being in a decision-making position had too much trust in the silent majority of his nation.

The Red/Black (Islamist/Communist) alliance with immense foreign support succeeded in taking over Iran and begin a rule of terror and oppression that continues to this date. The Islamists were quick to usurp all power and killed thousands of those who they had allied with before. An Islamic Republic was established and the terror of Allah's holy men began.

The Shahanshah of Iran passed away in Egypt, where a long-standing and honorable friend of the Iranian Nation - President Sadat - arranged a state funeral for one of the Greatest Iranians in history.

One of Shahanshah's last wishes was to one day be buried next to the heroes who defended the country and stayed loyal to the Iranian Monarchy to the last breath.


