Mobile Cash Register: Android app development project

  • 12 years ago
You can find this Android application project on Youtube at This Android application has been created by an Edureka student, Som Gupta during the course of his Android training with Edureka.

The Android for beginners course that Som took spans over 6-weeks, and involves live webinars, access to Android training material, tests, assessments and building Android apps. During the first week of this Android tutorial, basic Java concepts are taught. Topics like Java arrays and variables, conditionals and loops, activity life-cycle etc. are covered. During the second week Android widgets are covered. The third week covers the Media in applications. The subsequent weeks cover Web services, communicating between activities and advanced android concepts, like using SQL database, content providers, broadcast receivers, notifications, async tasks, handlers.

The application that Som has here created is a mobile cash register app; at the end of the course you would be able to create and publish many cool apps like this.
