Skyview Imaging Brand Animation

  • 12 years ago
There is a bit more to the animation then one might notice at first. At the beginning the wings not only rotate up, but they also fold out. The client wanted to alter the look of the logo slightly to have a chrome or brass feel to it. This is what we came up with.
Technical: In order to animate the wings in the way we did we had to go into the logo wings and extend out the wing shape in the illustrator file. Once the wing feathers were all extended I masked out the perfect circular line during the animation. The wing was parented to a null object with the anchor point in the center of the reel circle that scaled and moved up. If I parented it to the reel the wings would have spun with the reel. Once I had the first wing working I scaled it horizontally by -100 to make the other wing which I altered the colors of. I worked off of a an after effects background template and played with the blending mode to get the shining effect on top of the logo.
Logo Animations:
Explainer Videos: