Video corso di Pizza Napoletana con attestato di qualifica pizzaiolo

  • 12 anni fa
Vuoi intraprendere il mestiere di pizzaiolo? Oppure Sei gia' abbastanza bravo
come pizzaiolo ma non hai un attestato che lo conferma?
Da oggi offre, a tutti coloro che acquistano il
video corso di pizza Napoletana, un "attestato di qualifica pizzaiolo"
che consente di ampliare notevolmente le opportunita' di lavoro in questo settore.
L'attestato è Gratis. Per saperne di piu' visita il nostro sito: .
Certificate of pizza
You want take the job of pizza maker? You are already quite good as pizza maker but you do not have a statement that the confirmation? from today offers to all those who buy the video course of Neapolitan pizza, A CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION pizza chef "which allows increase substantially the opportunity to work in this sector.

To obtain the final certificate of the status of pizza maker, the purchaser will visiovare all the video Course and the rules s.t.g. (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed) and sign the form of acceptance that will be mailed by e-mail with the rules s.t.g. after the purchase of video course.
Once signed the form of acceptance the purchaser must send it via e-mail to, which will provide you to send always through e-mail THE CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFIED with the name and surname Date of birth and asset tag number.
What are the rules s.t.g.?
Are the rules that every good pizza maker should apply in its work, these rules explain how must be made the real Neapolitan pizza; the quantity and quality of the flour, the height of board and the thickness of pizza, the alcoholic for cooking etc.... well everything about the outcome of a good Neapolitan pizza!
