The church's one foundation - Chris Lawton at People's Baptist Chapel, Hockley, Birmingham

  • 12 years ago
Me playing the organ at People's Chapel in the inner city district of Hockley, Birmingham.

The present church was built in 1967 following a redevelopement of the area at this time. The organ was built by the John Compton Organ Company Ltd - now known as 'Compton Organs Ltd' and is the popular 357 model employing the patent 'rotofon' speaker. The specification reads:

Contra Bass 16'
Bourdon 16'
Echo Bass 16'
Octave 8'
Flute 8'
Harmonics IV
Trombone 16'
Trumpet 8'

Double Diapason 16'
Diapason 8'
Harmonic Flute 8'
Gemshorn 8'
Octave 4'
Twelfth 2.2/3'
Fifteenth 2'
Tromba 8'

Bourdon 16'
Geigen Diapason 8'
Stopped Diapason 8'
Salicional 8'
Principal 4'
Stopped Flute 4'
Flautina 2'
Sesquiltera II
Mixture III
Contra Oboe 16'
Cornopean 8'
Clarinet 8'

Rotofon Celeste

1 balanced expression pedal - great and pedal
1 balanced expression pedal - swell
Rotofon on/off switch

For this first video im playing the hymn 'The church's one foundation' to the tune 'Aurelia' which makes use of the main sounds on this instrument including the 'Tromba' stop on the great division in the third verse.

Many thanks to Rob Clarke for allowing me access to this fine Compton electrone organ and for making me so welcome!

NOTE: this is purely my interest in order to make sure that these fine organs are archived forever and I do not make any monetary profit by this video being on dailymotion.

For more information on the John Compton Organ Company Ltd and to see me play other Compton organs, please click on the following link for my site dedicated to the John Compton Organ Company Ltd:
