ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL by Higher Level Productions

  • 12 years ago WEBSITE LINK This is the Saint Michael Prayer set to Contemporary music. Hope you like it. Fight the good fight ! God Bless you and yours.

This song is part of the "toughest Man I know" album at

Hi, my name is Nick Tancraitor and I produce music with strong messages and top notch production. My music is different than most. I do not disrespect women, don't talk about getting wasted, don't talk about how rich I am :). I actually try to do just the opposite. I aim to build up women, the Church, faith, family, hope and the good news of Jesus and try to put all of this into music so I can bring something different to what's already out there. Viva Cristo Rey !

Feastday: September 29
Patron of grocers, mariners, paratroopers, police, and sickness

St. Michael, the Archangel - Feast day - September 29th The name Michael signifies "Who is like to God?" and was the warcry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against satan and his followers. Holy Scripture describes St. Michael as "one of the chief princes," and leader of the forces of heaven in their triumph over the powers of hell. He has been especially honored and invoked as patron and protector by the Church from the time of the Apostles.
Although he is always called "the Archangel," the Greek Fathers and many others place him over all the angels - as Prince of the Seraphim. St. Michael is the patron of grocers, mariners, paratroopers, police and sickness.
catholic, christian, jesus, saint, st. michael the archangel, St. Patrick, St. Joseph, St. Jude , St. Raphael, St. Gabriel, St. Francis,Christopher, Peter, pope john paul benedict, Anthony, Luke, Paul, Nicholas, Matthew, Patron saint grocers,mariners,police

catholic, christian, jesus, popular saints, saint michael the archangel, St. Patrick, St. Joseph, St. Michael, the Archangel, St. Jude , St. Raphael, St. Gabriel, Thaddaeus, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Christopher, St. Clare, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Saint Lucy, St. Peter, pope john paul, pope benedict, St. Sebastian, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Rose of Lima, St. Joan of Arc, Saint Luke, St. Paul, St. Nicholas, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Matthew, Patron saint of grocers, mariners, paratroopers, police, and sickness
