YOUR WILL BE DONE by Higher Level Productions

  • 12 years ago I wrote this song when my wife told me we were going to have our first baby. I was nervous because financially i was very low. I starting thinking.. Your will be done Jesus, I started to thank him for the blessing of life, so this song became like a prayer of thanksgiving and also a song of surrender to Gods will in my life knowing that he will always be there . I hope you like it and God Bless you and your family and your friends.

This song is part of the "UnBreAkABLE" album at

Hi, my name is Nick Tancraitor and I produce music with strong messages and top notch production. My music is different than most. I do not disrespect women, don't talk about getting wasted, don't talk about how rich I am :). I actually try to do just the opposite. I aim to build up women, the Church, faith, family, hope and the good news of Jesus and try to put all of this into music so I can bring something different to what's already out there.
