Red Dwarf Fan Edit ~ Every Dog...

  • 12 years ago
I wanted to give this fan edit another go. I was never altogether pleased with the last one, so I decided to look it over again and make it a little smoother.

The biggest difference for this edit is that it's all in one video and in widescreen format, something I always like to do. I also updated the Series VIII opening sequence and replaced clips of scenes I cut from episodes and replaced them with clips of scenes I'd rather have included.

Then I cut the Talia scenes again. Nobody likes those. Nobody knows where the hell she came from, and there's no dialogue that explains her existence, other than a half-arsed "nano" explanation. So I replaced both scenes with more time with Rimmer and Hollister.

Also cut Cat's "rock" scene.

Then I added more deleted scenes for the mirror universe idea scene. In the transmitted version, the scene ends with Kochanski coming up with the idea, and then we immediately have Kryten switching on some random machine. At least in the deleted scene, we get some idea of where the mirror machine came from.

Also reinstated the scene with Mirror Lister. I just love the accent Craig Charles uses in that scene, and I also love the line, "Nice 'tache." Then I switched back the scenes with the original ditzy Kochanski instead of the bored Kochanski. I think Chloe gave a better performance the first time around.

And then, of course, the original ending where everybody lives. Instead of alteranating between universes, however, Rimmer stays in the mirror universe to memorize the formula, and I cut the part where it turns out the others knew the name all along for two reasons: 1) The special effects on the mirror were removed from that section, and 2) I really hate that they don't let Rimmer have his victory.

I also added the alternate version of the Blue Midget Dance Music, so that Lister, Cat and Kochanski are actually dancing to music. It's actually a pretty good number. Stuck in a shot of Red Dwarf speeding away, and there we go.

Hope you enjoy!
