Folding Bike Race Gathers Pace

  • 12 years ago
It's a bike race like you have never seen before: contestants tear around the course on folding bikes, everyone wearing suits...

Seven hundred and fifty men and women struggle to get on their bikes at the fifth annual world folding bike championships.

The first ones to unfold start their track around Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, England which is a world heritage site.

The strict dress code bans all things Lycra and requires a jacket and a tie.

This British twist appealed to Susan Todzy who is from the U.S.

[Susan Todzy, Competitor from Minnesota, USA]
"They want us to dress like we would bike to work and it's fun and crazy."

The 13 kilometer race is not just about winning but also about folding bike camaraderie.

Michael Hutchinson from Northern Ireland won the race for the second time.

[Michael Hutchinson, Winner]
"I'd hate to not be here and not be doing this, it's just too much fun."

And the coveted prize - a brand new bike to take back home.

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