• 12 years ago
Hundreds of residents of the village of Wukan once again took to the streets on Saturday, blocking a public highway in southern China’s Guangdong Province.

According to villagers, police used tear gas to disperse the crowd, and four protesters were detained. The families of those in custody didn’t know where they were being held.

Villagers said officials were stalling on the restoration of farmland sold for development by former Communist Party village chief Xue Chang.

However, residents said they saw strangers in a crowd of people who protested outside the village committee on Friday. Some villagers believe the protests were incited by political allies of Xue Chang to overthrow the committee.

Xue Chang and local Communist Party officials were ousted in December 2011 following a series of peaceful protests by Wukan residents. Surprisingly, the villagers were then allowed to elect their own village committee, which took over in March 2012.

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