Prof. Takeda's Testimony: "Japanese Nuke Plants Are Meant to Collapse"/武田邦彦・国会証言(May/18/2012)

  • 12 年前
Prof. Kunihiko Takeda is a professor in mechanical engineering at Chubu University. On May 18, he appeared as a witness to give testimony to the Committee on Science and Education in Japan's Lower House in the Diet.

He had worked for a private chemical company for more than 25 years, spending some years as director of uranium research center, before entering into academic world.

Since March 11 accident, he has aggressively criticized the government and TEPCO both in media and on his own blog. His blog (Japanese only) is widely read partly because he always explains things and gives radiation-related advices in easy-to-understand language.

One of his most compelling blogposts is translated by EX-SKF blog:

Translation and captioning by tokyobrowntabby.


