Man Fathered 158 Children

  • 12 years ago
Man Fathered 158 Children - as part of the news and politics series by GeoBeats.

In this day and age, someone having 8 or 9 kids makes news.

Well, what do you think about fathering 158 children? According to The New Vision, that was the case with Jack Kigongo who recently passed away at the age of 103.

Jack was from the Kateera village in the country of Uganda.

He had 20 wives in his lifetime and 11 when he passed away. Besides being a parent of 158 children, he had 500 grandchildren at the time of his death.

This number still pales in comparison to that for Ismail Sharif, a Moroccan King, who's said to have fathered nearly 900 children. It's estimated that he had as many as 500 wives and concubines.

In a more recent story in early April, 2012, The Telegraph reported that an owner of fertility clinic fathered as many as 600 children. He used his own sperm unbeknownst to his customers.

The UK government places a limit on how many times you can donate your sperm in order to reduce the chances of two offsprings meeting and conceiving a baby.