How Infamous Moroccan Sultan Fathered 1,000 Children

  • 10 years ago
In a recent study, scientists said not only was the world record for fathering more than 1,000 children possible, but the ruthless Moroccan ruler could have accomplished the record with fewer women than he’s said to have had in his harem.

Reportedly one man – Sultan Moulay Ismaïl of Morocco, "The Bloodthirsty” – fathered 888 children by the time he was 57 in 1704.

At that time, a diplomat there claimed it was more like 1,171 children from 4 wives and 500 concubines. In a recent study, scientists said not only was this possible, but Ismaïl could have accomplished the world record with fewer women.

After many doubted the feat considering assumptions about the duration and probability of female fertility, scientists used computer simulations for different conception scenarios. With conservative calculations, factors like group synchronization of female cycles as well as the strength of Ismaïl’s aging sperm were all considered.

Results showed that, regardless of which conception scenario was used, Ismaïl could have had more than 1,000 children if he averaged sex approximately once a day for 32 years. Plus, he only needed 65 to 110 women to do it.

Ismaïl more than earned the name “bloodthirsty” too. Claiming he descended from Muhammad, Islam’s founder, Ismaïl put hundreds of enemy heads on display and killed more than 30,000 people in 55 years. Any of his harem even suspected of adultery were strangled or suffered severe mutilation.